

Title : Differential toxic effects of Carbofuran and Diazinon on time of flight in pigeons (Columba livia): potential for pesticide effects on migration - Brasel_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_219_241
Author(s) : Brasel JM , Collier AC , Pritsos CA
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 219 :241 , 2007
Abstract :

Cholinesterase inhibiting compounds such as carbamates and organophosphate insecticides have been widely used in agriculture since the ban on organochlorines in the 1970s. Carbofuran, a carbamate, and diazinon, an organophosphate, are among the most commonly implicated cholinesterase inhibitors in episodes of accidental avian toxicity and mortality. Despite the apparent effects of these compounds, little work has been done to study effects of low-level, environmentally relevant doses at the population level in migratory bird species. In this study, homing pigeons were used as surrogate species to assess the differences in the effect of incrementally low doses (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg) of carbofuran and diazinon on time of flight and determine whether there was a threshold dose of either or both xenobiotics when orally administered at these levels. The results indicate that there is a significant dose-dependent increase in flight time in pigeons dosed with carbofuran while diazinon exposed pigeons showed little effect. More profound effects were noted with carbofuran with pigeons falling off the pace of the flock and a dose for highly significant increase in flight time elucidated between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg. The results of the studies validate the homing pigeon as a good subject for comparative studies of cholinesterase inhibitors in birds and the need for further research on repeated low-level exposures on populations of avian species.

PubMedSearch : Brasel_2007_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_219_241
PubMedID: 17254622

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Brasel JM, Collier AC, Pritsos CA (2007)
Differential toxic effects of Carbofuran and Diazinon on time of flight in pigeons (Columba livia): potential for pesticide effects on migration
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 219 :241

Brasel JM, Collier AC, Pritsos CA (2007)
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 219 :241