

Title : Amplification of the genes BCHE and SLC2A2 in 40\% of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung - Brass_1997_Cancer.Res_57_2290
Author(s) : Brass N , Racz A , Heckel D , Remberger K , Sybrecht GW , Meese EU
Ref : Cancer Research , 57 :2290 , 1997
Abstract :

Gene amplification is a common genetic change in human cancer cells. Previously, we provided the first evidence for gene amplification at chromosome band 3q26 in squamous cell lung carcinoma. In this study, the following analyses were performed: (a) we evaluated biopsies and paraffin-embedded tissues of 16 additional squamous cell lung carcinomas for gene amplification using reverse chromosome painting. Of the 16 tumors, 3 tumors showed an amplification of the entire long arm of chromosome 3, and 3 tumors showed various amplifications on 3q, all of which involved chromosome band 3q26; (b) we tested eight genes encompassing region 3q25-qter in two different tumors to identify amplified genes on chromosome 3q. The genes SI, BCHE, and SLC2A2 were amplified in both tumors; and (c) we analyzed 15 additional paraffin-embedded tissues to determine the amplification frequency of these genes. Of the 15 squamous cell lung carcinomas, 6 showed amplification for at least 1 of the genes, with BCHE and SLC2A2 as the genes most frequently amplified. Together, our reverse chromosome painting data and our PCR analysis indicate gene amplification at 3q26 in 40% of all squamous cell lung carcinomas with BCHE and SLC2A2 as possible target genes of the amplification unit in squamous cell lung carcinoma.

PubMedSearch : Brass_1997_Cancer.Res_57_2290
PubMedID: 9187134

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Brass N, Racz A, Heckel D, Remberger K, Sybrecht GW, Meese EU (1997)
Amplification of the genes BCHE and SLC2A2 in 40\% of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
Cancer Research 57 :2290

Brass N, Racz A, Heckel D, Remberger K, Sybrecht GW, Meese EU (1997)
Cancer Research 57 :2290