

Title : Characterization and distribution of esterase electromorphs in the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) - Brown_1995_Biochem.Genet_33_205
Author(s) : Brown JK , Coats SA , Bedford ID , Markham PG , Bird J , Frohlich DR
Ref : Biochemical Genetics , 33 :205 , 1995
Abstract :

Esterase profiles were examined for over 40 populations of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, obtained from native and cultivated plant hosts worldwide. Twelve unique electromorphs were identified from distinct populations concentrated largely in Central America, Africa, and India. One electromorph, type B, has recently been proposed as a separated species, Bemisia argentifolii, and has recently spread throughout much of the world. When considered with evidence from mating studies and the ability to induce phytotoxic disorders (squash silverleaf disorder), our data suggest that the single taxon Bemisia tabaci may actually represent a species complex.

PubMedSearch : Brown_1995_Biochem.Genet_33_205
PubMedID: 8595048

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Brown JK, Coats SA, Bedford ID, Markham PG, Bird J, Frohlich DR (1995)
Characterization and distribution of esterase electromorphs in the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)
Biochemical Genetics 33 :205

Brown JK, Coats SA, Bedford ID, Markham PG, Bird J, Frohlich DR (1995)
Biochemical Genetics 33 :205