Title : The basal forebrain cholinergic system in the raccoon - Bruckner_1992_J.Chem.Neuroanat_5_441 |
Author(s) : Bruckner G , Schober W , Hartig W , Ostermann-Latif C , Webster HH , Dykes RW , Rasmusson DD , Biesold D |
Ref : Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy , 5 :441 , 1992 |
Abstract :
The distribution of neurons displaying choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunoreactivity was examined in the raccoon basal forebrain using a rabbit antiserum and a monoclonal antibody. Alternating sections were used for Nissl staining. ChAT-positive neurons were arranged in a continuous mass extending from the medial septum to the caudal pole of the pallidum. Based upon spatial relations to fibre tracts, the clustering of neuronal groups, and cytological criteria, the basal forebrain magnocellular complex can be subdivided into several distinct regions. Although clear nuclear boundaries were often absent, the ChAT-positive neurons were divided into: the nucleus tractus diagonalis (comprising pars septi medialis, pars verticalis and pars horizontalis); nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis; substantia innominata; and the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Comparison with Nissl-stained sections indicated the presence of varying proportions of non-cholinergic neurons clustered or arranged loosely within these basal forebrain subdivisions. These data provide a structural basis for studies concerned with the topographical and physiological aspects of the raccoon basal forebrain cholinergic projections and its comparison with the basal forebrains of other species. |
PubMedSearch : Bruckner_1992_J.Chem.Neuroanat_5_441 |
PubMedID: 1282324 |
Bruckner G, Schober W, Hartig W, Ostermann-Latif C, Webster HH, Dykes RW, Rasmusson DD, Biesold D (1992)
The basal forebrain cholinergic system in the raccoon
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
5 :441
Bruckner G, Schober W, Hartig W, Ostermann-Latif C, Webster HH, Dykes RW, Rasmusson DD, Biesold D (1992)
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
5 :441