

Title : Laboratory evolution of protein conformational dynamics - Campbell_2017_Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol_50_49
Author(s) : Campbell EC , Correy GJ , Mabbitt PD , Buckle AM , Tokuriki N , Jackson CJ
Ref : Current Opinion in Structural Biology , 50 :49 , 2017
Abstract :

This review focuses on recent work that has begun to establish specific functional roles for protein conformational dynamics, specifically how the conformational landscapes that proteins can sample can evolve under laboratory based evolutionary selection. We discuss recent technical advances in computational and biophysical chemistry, which have provided us with new ways to dissect evolutionary processes. Finally, we offer some perspectives on the emerging view of conformational dynamics and evolution, and the challenges that we face in rationally engineering conformational dynamics.

PubMedSearch : Campbell_2017_Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol_50_49
PubMedID: 29120734

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Campbell EC, Correy GJ, Mabbitt PD, Buckle AM, Tokuriki N, Jackson CJ (2017)
Laboratory evolution of protein conformational dynamics
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 50 :49

Campbell EC, Correy GJ, Mabbitt PD, Buckle AM, Tokuriki N, Jackson CJ (2017)
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 50 :49