

Title : Inhibition on cholinesterase and tyrosinase by alkaloids and phenolics from Aristotelia chilensis leaves - Cespedes_2017_Food.Chem.Toxicol_109_984
Author(s) : Cespedes CL , Balbontin C , Avila JG , Dominguez M , Alarcon J , Paz C , Burgos V , Ortiz L , Penaloza-Castro I , Seigler DS , Kubo I
Ref : Food & Chemical Toxicology , 109 :984 , 2017
Abstract :

It is reported in this study the effect of isolates from leaves of Aristotelia chilensis as inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and tyrosinase enzymes. The aim of the paper was to evaluate the activity of A. chilensis towards different enzymes. In addition to pure compounds, extracts rich in alkaloids and phenolics were tested. The most active F5 inhibited AChE (79.5% and 89.8% at 10.0 and 20.0 mug/mL) and against BChE (89.5% and 97.8% at 10.0 and 20.0 mug/mL), showing a strong mixed-type inhibition against AChE and BChE. F3 (a mixture of flavonoids and phenolics acids), showed IC50 of 90.7 and 59.6 mug/mL of inhibitory activity against AChE and BChE, inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase competitively. Additionally, F3 showed and high potency as tyrosinase inhibitor with IC50 at 8.4 mug/mL. Sample F4 (anthocyanidins and phenolic composition) presented a complex, mixed-type inhibition of tyrosinase with a IC50 of 39.8 mug/mL. The findings in this investigation show that this natural resource has a strong potential for future research in the search of new phytotherapeutic treatments for cholinergic deterioration ailments avoiding the side effects of synthetic drugs. This is the first report as cholinesterases and tyrosinase inhibitors of alkaloids and phenolics from A. chilensis leaves.

PubMedSearch : Cespedes_2017_Food.Chem.Toxicol_109_984
PubMedID: 28501487

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Cespedes CL, Balbontin C, Avila JG, Dominguez M, Alarcon J, Paz C, Burgos V, Ortiz L, Penaloza-Castro I, Seigler DS, Kubo I (2017)
Inhibition on cholinesterase and tyrosinase by alkaloids and phenolics from Aristotelia chilensis leaves
Food & Chemical Toxicology 109 :984

Cespedes CL, Balbontin C, Avila JG, Dominguez M, Alarcon J, Paz C, Burgos V, Ortiz L, Penaloza-Castro I, Seigler DS, Kubo I (2017)
Food & Chemical Toxicology 109 :984