Title : Expression of proteins associated with adipocyte lipolysis was significantly changed in the adipose tissues of the obese spontaneously hypertensive\/NDmcr-cp rat - Chang_2014_Diabetol.Metab.Syndr_6_8 |
Author(s) : Chang J , Oikawa S , Iwahashi H , Kitagawa E , Takeuchi I , Yuda M , Aoki C , Yamada Y , Ichihara G , Kato M , Ichihara S |
Ref : Diabetol Metab Syndr , 6 :8 , 2014 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: The etiology of the metabolic syndrome is complex, and is determined by the interplay of both genetic and environmental factors. The present study was designed to identify genes and proteins in the adipose tissues with altered expression in the spontaneously hypertensive/NIH -corpulent rat SHR/NDmcr-cp (CP) and to find possible molecular targets associated with the pathogenesis or progression of obesity related to the metabolic syndrome. |
PubMedSearch : Chang_2014_Diabetol.Metab.Syndr_6_8 |
PubMedID: 24468282 |
Chang J, Oikawa S, Iwahashi H, Kitagawa E, Takeuchi I, Yuda M, Aoki C, Yamada Y, Ichihara G, Kato M, Ichihara S (2014)
Expression of proteins associated with adipocyte lipolysis was significantly changed in the adipose tissues of the obese spontaneously hypertensive\/NDmcr-cp rat
Diabetol Metab Syndr
6 :8
Chang J, Oikawa S, Iwahashi H, Kitagawa E, Takeuchi I, Yuda M, Aoki C, Yamada Y, Ichihara G, Kato M, Ichihara S (2014)
Diabetol Metab Syndr
6 :8