

Title : Frequencies of atypical serum cholinesterase among Caucasians and Negroes from southern Brazil - Chautard-Freire-Maia_1984_Hum.Hered_34_388
Author(s) : Chautard-Freire-Maia EA , Primo-Parmo SL , Canever de Lourenco MA , Culpi L
Ref : Hum Hered , 34 :388 , 1984
Abstract :

Frequencies of the CHE1*A allele were estimated on the basis of a sample of 999 Caucasians (1.5%) and 1,015 Negroids (0.84%) from Curitiba, Brazil. The frequency found in the Negroid subsample allows an estimate of 50 +/- 15% of Caucasoid admixture and an average gene flow in the white-black direction of the order of 5.6% per generation.

PubMedSearch : Chautard-Freire-Maia_1984_Hum.Hered_34_388
PubMedID: 6510934

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Citations formats

Chautard-Freire-Maia EA, Primo-Parmo SL, Canever de Lourenco MA, Culpi L (1984)
Frequencies of atypical serum cholinesterase among Caucasians and Negroes from southern Brazil
Hum Hered 34 :388

Chautard-Freire-Maia EA, Primo-Parmo SL, Canever de Lourenco MA, Culpi L (1984)
Hum Hered 34 :388