

Title : A thin film electro-acoustic enzyme biosensor allowing the detection of trace organophosphorus pesticides - Chen_2012_Anal.Biochem_429_42
Author(s) : Chen D , Wang J , Xu Y , Zhang L
Ref : Analytical Biochemistry , 429 :42 , 2012
Abstract :

We report an analytical method using a thin film electro-acoustic resonator for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides The acetylcholinesterase AChE enzyme was immobilized on the surface of the resonator In the presence of organophosphorus compounds the degree of inhibitory effect of organophosphorus compounds on the AChE activity and the concentration of pesticides were detected in real time by measuring the frequency shift of the resonator The proposed device has a remarkably low detection limit of 1.8x10(-11)M and obvious advantages such as small size simple operation and integrated circuit compatibility providing a promising tool for pesticide analysis.

PubMedSearch : Chen_2012_Anal.Biochem_429_42
PubMedID: 22796536

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Chen D, Wang J, Xu Y, Zhang L (2012)
A thin film electro-acoustic enzyme biosensor allowing the detection of trace organophosphorus pesticides
Analytical Biochemistry 429 :42

Chen D, Wang J, Xu Y, Zhang L (2012)
Analytical Biochemistry 429 :42