Title : Interplay of genetic risk (CHRNA5) and environmental risk (partner smoking) on cigarette smoking reduction - Chen_2014_Drug.Alcohol.Depend_143_36 |
Author(s) : Chen LS , Baker TB , Piper ME , Smith SS , Gu C , Grucza RA , Smith GD , Munafo M , Bierut LJ |
Ref : Drug Alcohol Depend , 143 :36 , 2014 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: This study tests whether the genetic predictor (CHRNA5 nicotine receptor gene variants) and an environmental risk factor (partner smoking) interact in the prediction of smoking reduction. |
PubMedSearch : Chen_2014_Drug.Alcohol.Depend_143_36 |
PubMedID: 25073833 |
Chen LS, Baker TB, Piper ME, Smith SS, Gu C, Grucza RA, Smith GD, Munafo M, Bierut LJ (2014)
Interplay of genetic risk (CHRNA5) and environmental risk (partner smoking) on cigarette smoking reduction
Drug Alcohol Depend
143 :36
Chen LS, Baker TB, Piper ME, Smith SS, Gu C, Grucza RA, Smith GD, Munafo M, Bierut LJ (2014)
Drug Alcohol Depend
143 :36