

Title : Design of a near-infrared fluoro-photoacoustic probe for rapid imaging of carboxylesterase in liver injury - Chen_2023_Chem.Commun.(Camb)_59_10520
Author(s) : Chen H , Li K , Yuan L , Zhang XB
Ref : Chem Commun (Camb) , 59 :10520 , 2023
Abstract :

Carboxylesterase (CE) is crucial in metabolizing ester-containing biomolecules and is particularly significant in liver metabolic diseases. Herein, we present the first activatable NIRF/PA dual-mode imaging probe QHD-CE for detection of CE in vitro and in vivo. QHD-CE displays excellent sensitivity and selectivity for CE with a high reaction efficiency (-90 min). By utilizing QHD-CE, the dynamic changes of CE in drug-induced liver injury and diabetic mice models were monitored.

PubMedSearch : Chen_2023_Chem.Commun.(Camb)_59_10520
PubMedID: 37644758

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Citations formats

Chen H, Li K, Yuan L, Zhang XB (2023)
Design of a near-infrared fluoro-photoacoustic probe for rapid imaging of carboxylesterase in liver injury
Chem Commun (Camb) 59 :10520

Chen H, Li K, Yuan L, Zhang XB (2023)
Chem Commun (Camb) 59 :10520