

Title : Multilevel effects of sublethal fenitrothion exposure in Chironomus riparius Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvae - Choi_2002_Environ.Toxicol.Chem_21_2725
Author(s) : Choi J , Caquet T , Roche H
Ref : Environ Toxicol Chem , 21 :2725 , 2002
Abstract :

The effects of fenitrothion exposure on fourth-instar Chimnomus riparius larvae were investigated on biochemical, physiological, and population-level parameters. Biochemical effects were investigated through measurements of acetylcholinesterase and cytosolic superoxide dismutase activities. Water content and dry weight of the larvae were used as physiological parameters, and the emergence rate of adults was used as a descriptor of population-level effects. Results showed that the response of most parameters exhibited a concentration-dependent relationship. Although biochemical parameters proved to be very sensitive, no direct relation was observed with effects at a higher level of biological organization. Perturbations of osmoregulation, as reflected by changes in water content of the larvae, were more directly related with emergence failure. This study demonstrates that the use of several biological parameters can provide complementary information about the effects of chemical exposure. Therefore, use of a multilevel approach in C. riparius seems to be a promising way to diagnose environmental quality.

PubMedSearch : Choi_2002_Environ.Toxicol.Chem_21_2725
PubMedID: 12463571

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Choi J, Caquet T, Roche H (2002)
Multilevel effects of sublethal fenitrothion exposure in Chironomus riparius Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvae
Environ Toxicol Chem 21 :2725

Choi J, Caquet T, Roche H (2002)
Environ Toxicol Chem 21 :2725