

Title : Anti-Amnesic Effect of Fermented Ganoderma lucidum Water Extracts by Lactic Acid Bacteria on Scopolamine-Induced Memory Impairment in Rats - Choi_2015_Prev.Nutr.Food.Sci_20_126
Author(s) : Choi YJ , Yang HS , Jo JH , Lee SC , Park TY , Choi BS , Seo KS , Huh CK
Ref : Prev Nutr Food Sci , 20 :126 , 2015
Abstract :

This study investigated the anti-amnesic effect of fermented Ganoderma lucidum water extracts (GW) on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in rats. GW were fermented by the lactic acid bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum (FGWB), followed by Lactobacillus sakei LI033 (FGWBL). To induce amnesia, scopolamine (1 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected into rats 30 min before the behavioral tests. Step-through latencies of rats treated with primary fermented extracts (300 mg/kg, FGWB) and secondary fermented extracts (300 mg/kg, FGWBL) were significantly longer than those of rats treated with GW (300 mg/kg) in the retention trial of the multiple trial passive avoidance test. In the Morris water maze task, FGWBL significantly shortened escape latencies in training trials. Furthermore, swimming times within the target zone during the probe trial with FGWBL were significantly higher than the GW and FGWB treatments. In addition, acetylcholinesterase activities were lower in the brains of scopolamine-treated rats treated with FGWBL. These results suggest that FGWBL could be useful to enhance learning memory and cognitive function via cholinergic dysfunction.

PubMedSearch : Choi_2015_Prev.Nutr.Food.Sci_20_126
PubMedID: 26176000

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Choi YJ, Yang HS, Jo JH, Lee SC, Park TY, Choi BS, Seo KS, Huh CK (2015)
Anti-Amnesic Effect of Fermented Ganoderma lucidum Water Extracts by Lactic Acid Bacteria on Scopolamine-Induced Memory Impairment in Rats
Prev Nutr Food Sci 20 :126

Choi YJ, Yang HS, Jo JH, Lee SC, Park TY, Choi BS, Seo KS, Huh CK (2015)
Prev Nutr Food Sci 20 :126