

Title : [Stem-cell engraftment as delayed therapy to repair organophosphate-induced brain damage] - Collombet_2004_Ann.Pharm.Fr_62_247
Author(s) : Collombet JM , Baubichon D , Four E , Masqueliez C , Dorandeu F , Lallement G
Ref : Ann Pharm Fr , 62 :247 , 2004
Abstract :

Amongst organophosphate compounds, both pesticides and warfare neurotoxics are probably the most representative. These compounds are irreversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Usual clinical signs observed after acute poisoning are mainly respiratory distress, convulsions and seizures. Following acute poisoning, an emergency treatment must be provided as soon as possible (maximum delay of 1 hour post-poisoning), to prevent irreversible brain damage and patient death. At the present time, there is no efficient delayed treatment which could be provided if this 1 hour latency is overpassed. However, neurogenesis by stem cell engraftment, eventually complemented by gene therapy strategy, could be a potential therapeutic approach to repair organophosphate-induced brain damage. Main stem cell engraftement strategies successfully used for brain damage of various origins are reviewed in this Article.

PubMedSearch : Collombet_2004_Ann.Pharm.Fr_62_247
PubMedID: 15243343

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Collombet JM, Baubichon D, Four E, Masqueliez C, Dorandeu F, Lallement G (2004)
[Stem-cell engraftment as delayed therapy to repair organophosphate-induced brain damage]
Ann Pharm Fr 62 :247

Collombet JM, Baubichon D, Four E, Masqueliez C, Dorandeu F, Lallement G (2004)
Ann Pharm Fr 62 :247