

Title : Cholinesterase patterns in the cerebellum of reptiles - Contestabile_1977_Histochem_51_195
Author(s) : Contestabile A , Tabanelli G
Ref : Histochemistry , 51 :195 , 1977
Abstract :

In the cerebellum of four species belonging to the three main reptilian orders the histochemical localization of cholinesterases has been studied. The use of different substrate-inhibitor combinations permits to record the distribution patterns of acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterase, mainly revealed as butyrylcholinesterase activity. From the neurological point of view it is interesting to note that acetylcholinesterase activity shows three different distribution patterns in reptilian cerebellum, thus confirming the characteristic variability previously noticed in the cerebellar cortex of other vertebrates.

PubMedSearch : Contestabile_1977_Histochem_51_195
PubMedID: 845059

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Contestabile A, Tabanelli G (1977)
Cholinesterase patterns in the cerebellum of reptiles
Histochemistry 51 :195

Contestabile A, Tabanelli G (1977)
Histochemistry 51 :195