

Title : Identification of a type-D feruloyl esterase from Neurospora crassa - Crepin_2004_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_63_567
Author(s) : Crepin VF , Faulds CB , Connerton IF
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , 63 :567 , 2004
Abstract :

Feruloyl esterases constitute an interesting group of enzymes that have the potential for use over a broad range of applications in the agri-food industries. In order to expand the range of available enzymes, we have examined the presence of feruoyl esterase genes present in the genome sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. We have identified an orphan gene (contig 3.544), the translation of which shows sequence identity with known feruloyl esterases. This gene was cloned and the corresponding recombinant protein expressed in Pichia pastoris to confirm that the enzyme (NcFaeD-3.544) exhibits feruloyl esterase activity. Unusually the enzyme was capable of p-coumaric acid release from untreated crude plant cell wall materials. The substrate utilisation preferences of the recombinant enzyme place it in the recently recognised type-D sub-class of feruloyl esterase.

PubMedSearch : Crepin_2004_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_63_567
PubMedID: 14595525
Gene_locus related to this paper: neucr-FAED

Related information

Substrate Methyl-caffeate    Methyl-sinapate    Ethyl-ferulate    Methyl-ferulate
Gene_locus neucr-FAED
Family FaeC

Citations formats

Crepin VF, Faulds CB, Connerton IF (2004)
Identification of a type-D feruloyl esterase from Neurospora crassa
Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 63 :567

Crepin VF, Faulds CB, Connerton IF (2004)
Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 63 :567