

Title : [Myasthenia gravis and oropharyngeal disorders: two cases reports] - Crestani_2008_Rev.Laryngol.Otol.Rhinol.(Bord)_129_141
Author(s) : Crestani S , Woisard-Bassols V , Serrano E
Ref : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord) , 129 :141 , 2008
Abstract :

OBJECTIVE: Description of two atypical clinical cases of myasthenia gravis with pharyngeal dysphagia. CASES REPORTS: A retrospective study from two cases report of myasthenia gravis with pharyngeal dysphagia. CONCLUSION: The decrease of the laryngeal ascent and the desynchronization of the upper oesophageal sphincter opening appears as the main physiopathological mechanisms. The aspirations are frequent. In front of pharyngeal dysphagia, myasthenia have to be evocated. The alteration of the pharyngeal swallowing can be inaugural in this disease. The cholinesterase inhibitors can help for the diagnostic.

PubMedSearch : Crestani_2008_Rev.Laryngol.Otol.Rhinol.(Bord)_129_141
PubMedID: 18767335

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Crestani S, Woisard-Bassols V, Serrano E (2008)
[Myasthenia gravis and oropharyngeal disorders: two cases reports]
Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord) 129 :141

Crestani S, Woisard-Bassols V, Serrano E (2008)
Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord) 129 :141