

Title : Induction of hepatic miR-34a by perfluorooctanoic acid regulates metabolism-related genes in mice - Cui_2018_Environ.Pollut_244_270
Author(s) : Cui R , Li C , Wang J , Dai J
Ref : Environ Pollut , 244 :270 , 2018
Abstract :

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is a widespread organic pollutant with various toxicological impacts on the liver. Members of the miR-34 family are P53-targeted growth suppressors. We found that PFOA exposure (5mg/kg/d PFOA for 28d) resulted in a significant increase of miR-34a in the livers of mice but had no effect on either miR-34b or miR-34c. We knocked out miR-34a in mice to explore the role of elevated miR-34a in PFOA-induced liver toxicity. Compared with the corresponding untreated control, significant increases in liver weight as well as serum alanine transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase, and cholinesterase levels were observed in miR-34a(-/-) and wild-type mice after PFOA exposure. Hepatic cells showed similar swelling in both miR-34a(-/-) and wild-type mice after PFOA treatment. Hepatic RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) showed that PFOA led to significant alteration in lipid metabolism genes, especially those involved in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor pathway, in both wild-type and miR-34a null mice. With or without PFOA treatment, relatively fewer genes were altered in miR-34a(-/-) livers compared to wild-type livers. Among the changed genes by miR-34a, the most dominant were metabolism-related genes, such as Fabp3, Cyp7a1, and Apoa4. Our in vivo study indicated that miR-34a mainly exerts a metabolic regulation role, rather than the pro-apoptosis and cell cycle arrest role reported previously by many in vitro studies. In addition, although hepatic P53 was unchanged, the active type of P53 (acetylated P53 (acetyl-p53, Lys379)) was markedly altered under PFOA treatment. Therefore, the increase in acetylated P53 may have activated the transcription of miR-34a in mouse livers after PFOA treatment.

PubMedSearch : Cui_2018_Environ.Pollut_244_270
PubMedID: 30342367

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Citations formats

Cui R, Li C, Wang J, Dai J (2018)
Induction of hepatic miR-34a by perfluorooctanoic acid regulates metabolism-related genes in mice
Environ Pollut 244 :270

Cui R, Li C, Wang J, Dai J (2018)
Environ Pollut 244 :270