

Title : [Some data on cholinesterases in the cerebrospinal fluid of the dog] - D'Angelo_1979_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_55_1067
Author(s) : D'Angelo P , Scarsella G
Ref : Bollettino Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale , 55 :1067 , 1979
Abstract :

In the present study we have determined the activity of AChE and BuchE in the CSF, blood plasma and brain tissue outlined the pattern of the molecular forms of both enzymes. The present observations on the molecular forms of AChE protide evidence in favor of secretion of the enzyme from nervous tissue in the CSF.

PubMedSearch : D'Angelo_1979_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_55_1067
PubMedID: 549583

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D'Angelo P, Scarsella G (1979)
[Some data on cholinesterases in the cerebrospinal fluid of the dog]
Bollettino Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale 55 :1067

D'Angelo P, Scarsella G (1979)
Bollettino Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale 55 :1067