

Title : Evaluation of neutral red retention assay, micronucleus test, acetylcholinesterase activity and a signal transduction molecule (cAMP) in tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis (L.), in pollution monitoring - Dailianis_2003_Mar.Environ.Res_56_443
Author(s) : Dailianis S , Domouhtsidou GP , Raftopoulou E , Kaloyianni M , Dimitriadis VK
Ref : Mar Environ Research , 56 :443 , 2003
Abstract :

The neutral red lysosomal retention assay (NRR) of the haemocytes, and the acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in the haemolymph, the digestive gland, the gills and the mantle/gonad complex have been evaluated on mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from Thermaikos and Strymonikos gulfs (northern Greece) in June and October 2001. The validity of performing the above core biomarkers is supported, firstly by their ability to respond to different pollution levels and, secondly, by the significant linear correlation among them. The evaluation of the micronuclei frequency (MN) has been performed in gill tissue and haemocytes of the same mussels and, according to the results, it needs more research in order its use as stress indices to be validated. In addition, the first results on cAMP levels in the gills, the mantle/gonad complex and the digestive gland, whose concentrations correlated to both, NRR and AChE introduce this signal transduction molecule as a new, promising biomarker.

PubMedSearch : Dailianis_2003_Mar.Environ.Res_56_443
PubMedID: 12860433

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Dailianis S, Domouhtsidou GP, Raftopoulou E, Kaloyianni M, Dimitriadis VK (2003)
Evaluation of neutral red retention assay, micronucleus test, acetylcholinesterase activity and a signal transduction molecule (cAMP) in tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis (L.), in pollution monitoring
Mar Environ Research 56 :443

Dailianis S, Domouhtsidou GP, Raftopoulou E, Kaloyianni M, Dimitriadis VK (2003)
Mar Environ Research 56 :443