Title : [Cholinergic enzymes in the ciliary ganglia of the chicken and pigeon] - Del Fa_1983_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_59_1000 |
Author(s) : Del Fa A , Gangitano C , Olivieri-Sangiacomo C |
Ref : Bollettino Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale , 59 :1000 , 1983 |
Abstract :
In the present paper we have comparatively analyzed acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and cholinacetyltransferase (ChAT) activity in chick and pigeon ciliary ganglion. AChE specific activity in the pigeon ciliary ganglion is remarkably higher than the one occurring in the chick; conversely the ChAT specific activity is similar in the chick as well as in the pigeon. Higher AChE activity found in the pigeon ciliary ganglion can be partially attributed to a selective accumulation of the enzyme in already described membrane-limited formations typical of the choroid neurons. After post-ganglionic axotomy such formations undergo a progressive disappearance which parallels the decrease of AChE activity. The present data suggest the hypothesis that the structures under investigation as well as ganglionic AChE are possibly controlled through a retrograde mechanism by their target organ. |
PubMedSearch : Del Fa_1983_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_59_1000 |
PubMedID: 6626325 |
Del Fa A, Gangitano C, Olivieri-Sangiacomo C (1983)
[Cholinergic enzymes in the ciliary ganglia of the chicken and pigeon]
Bollettino Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale
59 :1000
Del Fa A, Gangitano C, Olivieri-Sangiacomo C (1983)
Bollettino Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale
59 :1000