

Title : Biotransformation enzyme activities and phase I metabolites analysis in Litopenaeus vannamei following intramuscular administration of T-2 toxin - Deng_2017_Drug.Chem.Toxicol__1
Author(s) : Deng Y , Wang Y , Sun L , Lu P , Wang R , Ye L , Xu D , Ye R , Liu Y , Bi S , Gooneratne R
Ref : Drug & Chemical Toxicology , :1 , 2017
Abstract :

T-2 toxin (T-2) is a type-A trichothecene produced by Fusarium that causes toxicity to animals. T-2 contamination of grain-based aquatic feed is a concern for the industries related to edible aquatic crustacean species such as the shrimp industry because it can lead to serious food safety issues. T-2, its metabolites, and selected phase I (EROD, CarE) and phase II (GST, UGT, SULT) detoxification enzymes in hemolymph and tissues were monitored at 0, 5, 10 15, 30, 45, and 60 min following T-2 intramuscular administration (3 mg/kg bw) in shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Marked increases of EROD activity in hepatopancreas and CarE activity in hemolymph, gill, hepatopancreas and intestine were observed followed by increases in phase II enzymes (GST, UGT, SULT) in hepatopancreas, hemolymph, intestine and gill, which remained elevated for an extended period. Time-dependent decrease in shrimp tissue T-2 concentration was observed. HT-2 increased up to 15 min. Most other T-2 metabolites were detected but not T-2 tetraol. Enzyme responses on exposure to T-2 were tissue-specific and time-dependent. Detection results indicated that HT-2 may not be the only important metabolite in aquatic crustacean species. Further investigation into T-2 metabolite toxicity is needed to fully understand the food safety issues related to T-2.

PubMedSearch : Deng_2017_Drug.Chem.Toxicol__1
PubMedID: 28482697

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Citations formats

Deng Y, Wang Y, Sun L, Lu P, Wang R, Ye L, Xu D, Ye R, Liu Y, Bi S, Gooneratne R (2017)
Biotransformation enzyme activities and phase I metabolites analysis in Litopenaeus vannamei following intramuscular administration of T-2 toxin
Drug & Chemical Toxicology :1

Deng Y, Wang Y, Sun L, Lu P, Wang R, Ye L, Xu D, Ye R, Liu Y, Bi S, Gooneratne R (2017)
Drug & Chemical Toxicology :1