

Title : Assessment of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities in blood plasma of agriculture workers - Dhananjayan_2012_Indian.J.Occup.Environ.Med_16_127
Author(s) : Dhananjayan V , Ravichandran B , Anitha N , Rajmohan HR
Ref : Indian J Occup Environ Med , 16 :127 , 2012
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: Cholinesterase determination indicates whether the person has been under pesticide exposure is not. It is recommended that the worker's cholinesterase level should be assessed for workers at a pesticide applied region. Hence, cholinesterase activities in blood samples of agricultural workers exposed to vegetables and grape cultivation with age matched, unexposed workers, who never had any exposure to pesticides, were estimated.
METHODS: The detailed occupational history and lifestyle characters were obtained by questionnaire. Cholinesterase activity was determined by the method of Ellman as modified by Chambers and Chambers.
RESULTS: AChE was ranging from 1.65 to 3.54mumoles/min/ml in exposed subjects where as it was ranged from 2.22 to 3.51mumoles/min/ml in control subjects. BChE activity was ranging from 0.16 to 5.2mumoles/min/ml among exposed subjects, where as it was ranged from 2.19 to 5.06mumoles/min/ml in control subjects. The results showed statistically significant reduction in enzyme activities (AChE 14%; BChE 56%) among exposed subjects. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the reduction in cholinesterase activity may lead to varieties of effects. Hence it is compulsory to use protective gadgets during pesticide spray. Further a continuous biomonitoring study is recommended to assess pesticide exposure.

PubMedSearch : Dhananjayan_2012_Indian.J.Occup.Environ.Med_16_127
PubMedID: 23776322

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Dhananjayan V, Ravichandran B, Anitha N, Rajmohan HR (2012)
Assessment of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities in blood plasma of agriculture workers
Indian J Occup Environ Med 16 :127

Dhananjayan V, Ravichandran B, Anitha N, Rajmohan HR (2012)
Indian J Occup Environ Med 16 :127