

Title : [3H]serotonin binds to two classes of sites in Drosophila head homogenate - Dudai_1984_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.C_77_305
Author(s) : Dudai Y , Zvi S
Ref : Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology C , 77 :305 , 1984
Abstract :

[3H]serotonin binds to two classes of sites in a crude membrane preparation of Drosophila melanogaster heads, with apparent Kd values of 1.4 and 130 nM, and a concentration of 0.2 and 1.5 pmol/mg protein, respectively. High salt concentration and a guanyl nucleotide decrease the number of the high-affinity binding sites. Low concentrations of ergot alkaloids, various tryptamine derivatives, neuroleptic drugs, but not of phentholamine , propranolol and dopamine, displace [3H]serotonin from its high affinity sites. The relevance of the [3H]serotonin-binding sites to serotonin receptors in Drosophila is discussed.

PubMedSearch : Dudai_1984_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.C_77_305
PubMedID: 6144433

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Dudai Y, Zvi S (1984)
[3H]serotonin binds to two classes of sites in Drosophila head homogenate
Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology C 77 :305

Dudai Y, Zvi S (1984)
Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology C 77 :305