

Title : Subcellular distribution of hypothalamic prolactin-like immunoreactivity - Emanuele_1987_Brain.Res_407_223
Author(s) : Emanuele NV , Metcalfe L , Lubrano T , Rubinstein H , Kirsteins L , Lawrence AM
Ref : Brain Research , 407 :223 , 1987
Abstract :

Prompted by interest in immunohistochemical reports of prolactin-like immunoreactivity (PLI) in the rat hypothalamus, we investigated and have reported that an immunoreactive and bioactive prolactin-like material can be extracted from the rat hypothalamus. In the present communication the subcellular distribution of this protein is reported. Using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for rat prolactin and a standardized procedure for subcellular fractionation of neuronal tissue, we have found that 90% of hypothalamic PLI is particulate-bound with only 10% remaining in the S4 or cytosolic fraction. Almost 80% of the particulate-bound PLI is found in the P2 fraction containing myelin, synaptosomes and mitochondria. When P2 is further fractioned on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient, approximately 66% of the P2-associated PLI was found in subfractions rich in synaptosomes and poor in myelin and mitochondria. Such findings support the probability that hypothalamic PLI functions trans-synaptically as a neuromodulator in the brain.

PubMedSearch : Emanuele_1987_Brain.Res_407_223
PubMedID: 3567642

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Emanuele NV, Metcalfe L, Lubrano T, Rubinstein H, Kirsteins L, Lawrence AM (1987)
Subcellular distribution of hypothalamic prolactin-like immunoreactivity
Brain Research 407 :223

Emanuele NV, Metcalfe L, Lubrano T, Rubinstein H, Kirsteins L, Lawrence AM (1987)
Brain Research 407 :223