

Title : Spectroscopic studies on the inhibitory effects of ionic liquids on lipase activity - Fan_2016_Spectrochim.Acta.A.Mol.Biomol.Spectrosc_159_128
Author(s) : Fan Y , Dong X , Li X , Zhong Y , Kong J , Hua S , Miao J , Li Y
Ref : Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc , 159 :128 , 2016
Abstract :

The effects of ionic liquids (ILs) on the lipase activity were studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy and the IL-lipase interaction mechanism at the molecular level was investigated by fluorescence technique. Experimental results indicated that the lipase activity was inhibited by ILs and the degree of inhibition highly depended on the chemical structures of ILs. The inhibitory ability of the Cl-- and Br--based ILs increased with increasing the alkyl chain length in the IL cation. Thermodynamic parameters, enthalpy change (DeltaH) and entropy change (DeltaS) were obtained by analyzing the fluorescence behavior of lipase with the addition of ILs. Both DeltaH and DeltaS were positive suggesting hydrophobicity was the major driven force for the Cl-- and Br--based ILs. For the BF4--, CF3SO3--, ClO4-- and N(CN)2--based ILs, hydrogen bonding was the main driven force. For a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of ILs on lipase activity, the roles of hydrophobicity and hydrogen bonding must be considered simultaneously. A regression-based equation was developed to describe the relationship of the inhibitory ability of ILs and their hydrophobicity and hydrogen bonding ability.

PubMedSearch : Fan_2016_Spectrochim.Acta.A.Mol.Biomol.Spectrosc_159_128
PubMedID: 26836454

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Fan Y, Dong X, Li X, Zhong Y, Kong J, Hua S, Miao J, Li Y (2016)
Spectroscopic studies on the inhibitory effects of ionic liquids on lipase activity
Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 159 :128

Fan Y, Dong X, Li X, Zhong Y, Kong J, Hua S, Miao J, Li Y (2016)
Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 159 :128