

Title : Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV in patients with short bowel syndrome - Farriol_2005_Clin.Nutr_24_1099
Author(s) : Farriol M , Pita AM , Fernandez-Bustos MA , Delgado G
Ref : Clin Nutr , 24 :1099 , 2005
Abstract :

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The aim of this study was to determine serum dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) levels in a population of short bowel syndrome (SBS) patients, who had achieved intestinal adaptation.
METHODS: DDP IV reference values were determined in a healthy population (n=47). The SBS study group consisted of 30 patients (17 men, 13 women; 53.2+/-13.2 years). The criteria for inclusion were a remnant small bowel <200cm with or without colon resection. The time interval between resection and DPP IV measurement was >24 months except in 4 patients, in which it was 13-24 months (total mean: 64.7+/-47.3 months). Nutritional support was exclusively oral in 17 patients, oral plus cyclic TPN in 12 and TPN alone in one patient.
RESULTS: The reference range for DPP IV was 10-23U/l (mean: 16.01+/-3.2). In the group of SBS patients, mean serum DPP IV was 14.02+/-3.6U/l and mean body mass index 22.07+/-4.1kg/m(2). Eleven patients (36.6%) had hyperphagia and mean DPP IV in this group was 15.2+/-4.9U/l.
CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of DPP IV levels in this limited series of SBS patients who had reached intestinal adaptation showed normal levels and did not provide additional clinical information. Further analysis in the earlier postoperative period will determine whether this enzyme has a role as an indicator of evolution in these patients.

PubMedSearch : Farriol_2005_Clin.Nutr_24_1099
PubMedID: 16169633

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Farriol M, Pita AM, Fernandez-Bustos MA, Delgado G (2005)
Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV in patients with short bowel syndrome
Clin Nutr 24 :1099

Farriol M, Pita AM, Fernandez-Bustos MA, Delgado G (2005)
Clin Nutr 24 :1099