

Title : Paraoxonase-1 is associated with oxidative stress, fibrosis and FAS expression in chronic liver diseases - Ferre_2006_J.Hepatol_45_51
Author(s) : Ferre N , Marsillach J , Camps J , Mackness B , Mackness MI , Riu F , Coll B , Tous M , Joven J
Ref : Journal of Hepatology , 45 :51 , 2006
Abstract :

BACKGROUND/AIMS: We previously reported that paraoxonase-1 activity measurement may be useful for the evaluation of liver diseases. Because oxidative stress plays a role in liver apoptosis, and lipid peroxides are hydrolyzed by paraoxonase-1, we have extended our studies to explore the relationships between this enzyme and oxidative stress, fibrosis and apoptosis.
METHODS: We measured paraoxonase-1 activity and concentration, soluble FAS concentration, serum fibrosis markers, and total peroxides in a group of patients with minimal hepatic changes (n=25), chronic hepatitis (n=51), or liver cirrhosis (n=17). We also measured the Knodell activity index in liver biopsies and performed FAS and PON1 immunostaining.
RESULTS: Patients with liver diseases showed an increase in soluble FAS, fibrosis markers and paraoxonase-1 concentrations, as well as a decrease in PON1 activity. Paroxonase-1 activity and concentration were correlated with soluble FAS (r=-0.43, P<0.001 and r=0.27, P=0.007, respectively). Paraoxonase-1 concentration showed a significant inverse association with FAS immunostaining (P=0.013) and a direct association with PON1 immunostaining (P<0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest an active role of PON1 in the regulation of oxidative stress, fibrosis and hepatic cell apoptosis in chronic liver diseases.

PubMedSearch : Ferre_2006_J.Hepatol_45_51
PubMedID: 16510204

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Ferre N, Marsillach J, Camps J, Mackness B, Mackness MI, Riu F, Coll B, Tous M, Joven J (2006)
Paraoxonase-1 is associated with oxidative stress, fibrosis and FAS expression in chronic liver diseases
Journal of Hepatology 45 :51

Ferre N, Marsillach J, Camps J, Mackness B, Mackness MI, Riu F, Coll B, Tous M, Joven J (2006)
Journal of Hepatology 45 :51