

Title : Biomonitoring of the hematological, biochemical and genotoxic effects of the mixture cypermethrin plus chlorpyrifos applications in bovines - Ferre_2020_Sci.Total.Environ_726_138058
Author(s) : Ferre DM , Jotallan PJ , Lentini V , Luduena HR , Romano RR , Gorla NBM
Ref : Sci Total Environ , 726 :138058 , 2020
Abstract :

External antiparasitic agents applied in bovine production represent a risk to consumers of meat products, especially if the conditions of their use are not strictly respected. The post-mortem control of residues in meat is an activity that must be updated and reinforced by the biomonitoring of live animals and the use of analytical tools to help identifying signs of early warning risks. The objective of the present study was to carry out a pre-slaughter biomonitoring approach in Aberdeen Angus cattle and crosses (n=12) with the application of a commercial formulation of cypermethrin plus chlorpyrifos. This was performed with a single therapeutic dose applied on the backs of the cattle, through hematological, enzymatic, as well as hepatic and renal function analysis in plasma, and then quantifying the genotoxic effect on lymphocytes. Analytical measurements of plasma concentrations of cypermethrin plus chlorpyrifos at 24h were negative and therefore a low absorption of the compounds was assumed. Measurement of acetyl cholinesterase showed no inhibition after exposure. The concentration of urea increased between 24h and 168h post application of the formulation, without showing any kidney damage. The rest of the parameters analyzed did not show any variations. This evaluation of hematological and biochemical effects and of cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome assay in bovines is proposed as a pre-slaughter control of biomonitoring of the health status of animals, with a focus on food safety for meat consumers.

PubMedSearch : Ferre_2020_Sci.Total.Environ_726_138058
PubMedID: 32481203

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Ferre DM, Jotallan PJ, Lentini V, Luduena HR, Romano RR, Gorla NBM (2020)
Biomonitoring of the hematological, biochemical and genotoxic effects of the mixture cypermethrin plus chlorpyrifos applications in bovines
Sci Total Environ 726 :138058

Ferre DM, Jotallan PJ, Lentini V, Luduena HR, Romano RR, Gorla NBM (2020)
Sci Total Environ 726 :138058