

Title : Acetylcholinesterase. Two types of modifications confer resistance to insecticide - Fournier_1992_J.Biol.Chem_267_14270
Author(s) : Fournier D , Bride JM , Hoffmann F , Karch F
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 267 :14270 , 1992
Abstract :

Quantitative and qualitative changes in acetylcholinesterase confer resistance to insecticides. We have constructed several Drosophila melanogaster strains producing various amounts of enzyme by P-mediated transformation. Toxicological analysis of these strains demonstrates that resistance to organophosphorus insecticides is correlated with the amount of acetylcholinesterase in the central nervous system. Resistance may also be qualitatively determined. Comparison of the Drosophila acetylcholinesterase gene between a resistant strain caught in the wild and a wild type susceptible strain only revealed one nucleotide transition resulting in the replacement of a phenylalanine by a tyrosine. Flies mutant for acetylcholinesterase and rescued with a minigene mutagenized for this same transition produced an altered enzyme which renders flies resistant to pesticides.

PubMedSearch : Fournier_1992_J.Biol.Chem_267_14270
PubMedID: 1629220

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Citations formats

Fournier D, Bride JM, Hoffmann F, Karch F (1992)
Acetylcholinesterase. Two types of modifications confer resistance to insecticide
Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 :14270

Fournier D, Bride JM, Hoffmann F, Karch F (1992)
Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 :14270