

Title : Quantitative investigations of acetylcholinesterase activities in colorectal malformations - Friedrich_1994_Eur.J.Pediatr.Surg_4_352
Author(s) : Friedrich U , Vetter R , Weiss HJ , Hentschel H
Ref : European Journal of Pediatric Surgery , 4 :352 , 1994
Abstract :

In cases of colorectal innervation disturbance the histological and histochemical findings are well placed to classify the morphological state and to indicate to the pediatric surgeon the therapeutic direction. Any limitation of their value results from technical errors, age dependent localization of morphological structures and the subjectivity of the assessment. For this reason a quantitative biochemical investigation of cholinesterase activity in homogenized investigation of cholinesterase activity in homogenized rectal mucosa specimens and resected bowel segments was performed. The biochemical standard value of the AChE-activity amounts up to 3-6 x 10(-7) mol ACh/min/g in healthy test patients and the ratio of specific/unspecific esterases 1.1 to 1.3. The percentage of AChE to the total enzyme activity was 47.5%. The standard distribution of the different globular and asymmetric cholinesterase structures is described by the proportion of the molecular types G1/G2/G4 and A12. These main types determine the biochemical nature of the human rectum. Hypertrophy of cholinergic nerve fibres in aganglionic bowel segments correlates pathobiochemically with the increase of the cholinesterases caused by the high molecular tetramer G4. However, the Hirschsprung's disease could not be differentiated by the percentage of the AChE-activity to the total ChE-activity because of the continuous increase in the BChE in the aganglionic tissue. Neuronal intestinal dysplasias with their main cholinergic nerve fibre hyperplasias are characterized by disturbances of the dualism and interrelation of different cholinesterases. By means of pathogiochemical investigations the subjective factor in the assessment of histochemical states is avoided and the diagnostic accuracy increased.

PubMedSearch : Friedrich_1994_Eur.J.Pediatr.Surg_4_352
PubMedID: 7748835

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Friedrich U, Vetter R, Weiss HJ, Hentschel H (1994)
Quantitative investigations of acetylcholinesterase activities in colorectal malformations
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 4 :352

Friedrich U, Vetter R, Weiss HJ, Hentschel H (1994)
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 4 :352