

Title : Purification from black widow spider venom of a protein factor causing the depletion of synaptic vesicles at neuromuscular junctions - Frontali_1976_J.Cell.Biol_68_462
Author(s) : Frontali N , Ceccarelli B , Gorio A , Mauro A , Siekevitz P , Tzeng MC , Hurlbut WP
Ref : Journal of Cell Biology , 68 :462 , 1976
Abstract :

The aqueous extract of the venom glands of black widow spiders was fractionated on a column of Sephadex G-200 and then on a column of DEAE-Sephadex A-50 pH 8.2. A protein fraction was obtained that caused a great increase in the frequency of occurrence of miniature end plate potentials at the frog neuromuscular junction, and caused swelling of the nerve terminals and depleted them of their vesicles. The fraction consists of a least four protein components that are similar in their molecular weights (about 130,000) and isoelectric points (ranging from pH 5.2 to 5.5) and are immunologically indistinguishable. It contains no sugar residues and has little or no lipolytic or proteolytic activity. The fraction is toxic to mice and is different from the fractions that act on houseflies, the crayfish stretch receptor and the cockroach heart. It seems pure enough to warrant a detailed study of its site and mode of action.

PubMedSearch : Frontali_1976_J.Cell.Biol_68_462
PubMedID: 1030703

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Frontali N, Ceccarelli B, Gorio A, Mauro A, Siekevitz P, Tzeng MC, Hurlbut WP (1976)
Purification from black widow spider venom of a protein factor causing the depletion of synaptic vesicles at neuromuscular junctions
Journal of Cell Biology 68 :462

Frontali N, Ceccarelli B, Gorio A, Mauro A, Siekevitz P, Tzeng MC, Hurlbut WP (1976)
Journal of Cell Biology 68 :462