Title : [Abnormal isoenzymes] - Fujita_2001_Rinsho.Byori_116_7 |
Author(s) : Fujita K |
Ref : Rinsho Byori , 116 :7 , 2001 |
Abstract :
Enzyme linked immunoglobulins tumor production enzymes alloenzymes LD CK Cholinesterase were explained by the genetic variants for their characterization and clinical significance A recent interesting report on enzyme linked immunoglobulins stated that there is a beta-sheet structural anomaly in Bence Jones protein which combines with LD and that macrolipase results from the combination of lipase and alpha 2-macroglobulin in hyperlipasemia |
PubMedSearch : Fujita_2001_Rinsho.Byori_116_7 |
PubMedID: 11797382 |
Fujita K (2001)
[Abnormal isoenzymes]
Rinsho Byori
116 :7
Fujita K (2001)
Rinsho Byori
116 :7