

Title : The lipase LipA (PA2862) but not LipC (PA4813) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa influences regulation of pyoverdine production and expression of the sigma factor PvdS - Funken_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_5858
Author(s) : Funken H , Knapp A , Vasil ML , Wilhelm S , Jaeger KE , Rosenau F
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :5858 , 2011
Abstract :

A key element in iron-dependent regulation of iron metabolism and virulence-related functions for Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the sigma factor PvdS. PvdS expression itself is also influenced by iron-independent stimuli. We show that pyoverdine production and pvdS expression depend on one of the two lipases of P. aeruginosa.

PubMedSearch : Funken_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_5858
PubMedID: 21840975

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Funken H, Knapp A, Vasil ML, Wilhelm S, Jaeger KE, Rosenau F (2011)
The lipase LipA (PA2862) but not LipC (PA4813) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa influences regulation of pyoverdine production and expression of the sigma factor PvdS
Journal of Bacteriology 193 :5858

Funken H, Knapp A, Vasil ML, Wilhelm S, Jaeger KE, Rosenau F (2011)
Journal of Bacteriology 193 :5858