

Title : New treatments for dementia. Myth, magic, and science - Ganesan_1994_Can.Fam.Physician_40_1149
Author(s) : Ganesan R , Standish T , Molloy DW , Darzins P , Orange JB
Ref : Can Fam Physician , 40 :1149 , 1994
Abstract :

Dementia could affect 778,000 Canadians by the year 2031. While current treatment is mainly supportive, a race to find new treatments for this dreaded disease takes varied approaches and currently accounts for 10% of drug company resources. Tacrine is the first drug licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in Alzheimer's disease. New treatments raise several ethical issues and involve society's attitude toward death and dying.

PubMedSearch : Ganesan_1994_Can.Fam.Physician_40_1149
PubMedID: 8019192

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Ganesan R, Standish T, Molloy DW, Darzins P, Orange JB (1994)
New treatments for dementia. Myth, magic, and science
Can Fam Physician 40 :1149

Ganesan R, Standish T, Molloy DW, Darzins P, Orange JB (1994)
Can Fam Physician 40 :1149