

Title : A dimeric form of acetylcholinesterase anchored through a glycolipid in mouse skeletal muscle - Garcia_1988_Neurochem.Int_13_327
Author(s) : Garcia L , Verdiere-Sahuque M , Dreyfus PA , Nicolet M , Rieger F
Ref : Neurochem Int , 13 :327 , 1988
Abstract :

A glycolipid anchorage for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been found in some tissues. In this paper, the possibility of such an anchorage has been explored in mammalian muscle membranes. We report that a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) solubilizes AChE from microsomal membranes of mouse intercostal muscle. Among the several molecular forms of AChE, PIPLC specifically releases in a dose dependent manner one molecular form which migrates on linear sucrose gradients as a single peak of sedimentation coefficient 6.3 s. In other subcellular membrane fractions, including motor endplate enriched fraction, PIPLC fails to solubilize AChE. This type of membrane glycolipid mediated anchorage for AChE is then only detectable in a precise region of skeletal muscle.

PubMedSearch : Garcia_1988_Neurochem.Int_13_327
PubMedID: 19651088

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Garcia L, Verdiere-Sahuque M, Dreyfus PA, Nicolet M, Rieger F (1988)
A dimeric form of acetylcholinesterase anchored through a glycolipid in mouse skeletal muscle
Neurochem Int 13 :327

Garcia L, Verdiere-Sahuque M, Dreyfus PA, Nicolet M, Rieger F (1988)
Neurochem Int 13 :327