

Title : Isolated congenital lipase-colipase deficiency - Ghishan_1984_Gastroenterology_86_1580
Author(s) : Ghishan FK , Moran JR , Durie PR , Greene HL
Ref : Gastroenterology , 86 :1580 , 1984
Abstract :

A 5-yr-old child with isolated combined pancreatic lipase and colipase deficiency is described. The patient has a history of passing oily stools since birth. Pancreatic stimulation tests showed that both lipase and colipase activities were less than 2% of normal control values. Despite the total lack of both enzymes, the patient's fat absorption coefficient was 50%. Fat absorption coefficient increased to 82% with pancreatic enzyme supplementation. This is the first report of congenital combined lipase and colipase deficiency.

PubMedSearch : Ghishan_1984_Gastroenterology_86_1580
PubMedID: 6714581
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PNLIP

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Citations formats

Ghishan FK, Moran JR, Durie PR, Greene HL (1984)
Isolated congenital lipase-colipase deficiency
Gastroenterology 86 :1580

Ghishan FK, Moran JR, Durie PR, Greene HL (1984)
Gastroenterology 86 :1580