

Title : [Acetylcholine receptors in chick embryo somites] - Giacobini_1984_Bull.Assoc.Anat.(Nancy)_68_41
Author(s) : Giacobini Robecchi MG , Sisto Daneo L , Filogamo G
Ref : Bull Assoc Anat (Nancy) , 68 :41 , 1984
Abstract :

Autoradiography was used to demonstrate the presence of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites in the medial wall cells of thoracic somites from 44th hr incubation chick embryos. It is suggested that these cells are presumptive myoblasts about to migrate to form the myotome.

PubMedSearch : Giacobini_1984_Bull.Assoc.Anat.(Nancy)_68_41
PubMedID: 6518300

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Giacobini Robecchi MG, Sisto Daneo L, Filogamo G (1984)
[Acetylcholine receptors in chick embryo somites]
Bull Assoc Anat (Nancy) 68 :41

Giacobini Robecchi MG, Sisto Daneo L, Filogamo G (1984)
Bull Assoc Anat (Nancy) 68 :41