Title : The Cholinergic System: An Emerging Drug Target for Schizophrenia - Gibbons_2016_Curr.Pharm.Des_22_2124 |
Author(s) : Gibbons A , Dean B |
Ref : Curr Pharm Des , 22 :2124 , 2016 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Cognitive deficits are amongst the most socially debilitating and least effectively treated symptoms of schizophrenia. The cholinergic system is a promising target for the design of novel drugs that can more effectively treat these symptoms. |
PubMedSearch : Gibbons_2016_Curr.Pharm.Des_22_2124 |
PubMedID: 26818859 |
Gibbons A, Dean B (2016)
The Cholinergic System: An Emerging Drug Target for Schizophrenia
Curr Pharm Des
22 :2124
Gibbons A, Dean B (2016)
Curr Pharm Des
22 :2124