Title : Placebo-controlled evaluation of a bioengineered, cocaine-metabolizing fusion protein, TV-1380 (AlbuBChE), in the treatment of cocaine dependence - Gilgun-Sherki_2016_Drug.Alcohol.Depend_166_13 |
Author(s) : Gilgun-Sherki Y , Eliaz RE , McCann DJ , Loupe PS , Eyal E , Blatt K , Cohen-Barak O , Hallak H , Chiang N , Gyaw S |
Ref : Drug Alcohol Depend , 166 :13 , 2016 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: TV-1380 (AlbuChE) is a novel recombinant fusion protein of mutated butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) that has increased catalytic efficiency for cocaine metabolism compared to wild-type BChE. |
PubMedSearch : Gilgun-Sherki_2016_Drug.Alcohol.Depend_166_13 |
PubMedID: 27394932 |
Gilgun-Sherki Y, Eliaz RE, McCann DJ, Loupe PS, Eyal E, Blatt K, Cohen-Barak O, Hallak H, Chiang N, Gyaw S (2016)
Placebo-controlled evaluation of a bioengineered, cocaine-metabolizing fusion protein, TV-1380 (AlbuBChE), in the treatment of cocaine dependence
Drug Alcohol Depend
166 :13
Gilgun-Sherki Y, Eliaz RE, McCann DJ, Loupe PS, Eyal E, Blatt K, Cohen-Barak O, Hallak H, Chiang N, Gyaw S (2016)
Drug Alcohol Depend
166 :13