

Title : Capillary gas chromatographic method for the determination of n-butyl-p-aminobenzoate and lidocaine in plasma samples - Grouls_1995_J.Chromatogr.B:.Biomedical.Applications_673_51
Author(s) : Grouls RJ , Machielsen E , Korsten HH , Hellebrekers LJ , Breimer DD , Ackerman EW
Ref : Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Applications , 673 :51 , 1995
Abstract :

A fast capillary gas chromatographic method with nitrogen-selective detection is described that allows selective and reproducible quantification of n-butyl-p-aminobenzoate (BAB) and lidocaine in plasma. The sampling and sample storage conditions are critical for the quantification of BAB. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate, an organo-phosphorus pesticide, has to be added during sampling to prevent the rapid decomposition of BAB by cholinesterases.

PubMedSearch : Grouls_1995_J.Chromatogr.B:.Biomedical.Applications_673_51
PubMedID: 8925074

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Grouls RJ, Machielsen E, Korsten HH, Hellebrekers LJ, Breimer DD, Ackerman EW (1995)
Capillary gas chromatographic method for the determination of n-butyl-p-aminobenzoate and lidocaine in plasma samples
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Applications 673 :51

Grouls RJ, Machielsen E, Korsten HH, Hellebrekers LJ, Breimer DD, Ackerman EW (1995)
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Applications 673 :51