Title : The adult boar testicular and epididymal transcriptomes - Guyonnet_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_369 |
Author(s) : Guyonnet B , Marot G , Dacheux JL , Mercat MJ , Schwob S , Jaffrezic F , Gatti JL |
Ref : BMC Genomics , 10 :369 , 2009 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Mammalians gamete production takes place in the testis but when they exit this organ, although spermatozoa have acquired a specialized and distinct morphology, they are immotile and infertile. It is only after their travel in the epididymis that sperm gain their motility and fertility. Epididymis is a crescent shaped organ adjacent to the testis that can be divided in three gross morphological regions, head (caput), body (corpus) and tail (cauda). It contains a long and unique convoluted tubule connected to the testis via the efferent ducts and finished by joining the vas deferens in its caudal part. |
PubMedSearch : Guyonnet_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_369 |
PubMedID: 19664223 |
Gene_locus_frgt | pig-c7c1i4 |
Guyonnet B, Marot G, Dacheux JL, Mercat MJ, Schwob S, Jaffrezic F, Gatti JL (2009)
The adult boar testicular and epididymal transcriptomes
BMC Genomics
10 :369
Guyonnet B, Marot G, Dacheux JL, Mercat MJ, Schwob S, Jaffrezic F, Gatti JL (2009)
BMC Genomics
10 :369