

Title : Upstream sequencing and functional characterization of the human cholinergic gene locus - Hahm_1997_J.Mol.Neurosci_9_223
Author(s) : Hahm SH , Chen L , Patel C , Erickson J , Bonner TI , Weihe E , Schafer MK , Eiden LE
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 9 :223 , 1997
Abstract :

The 5' flanking region of the human VAChT gene was sequenced to approx 5350 bases upstream of the initiating methionine codon of the VAChT open reading frame (orf). The 5' flanks of the human and rat cholinergic gene loci were compared to identify regions of local sequence conservation, and therefore of potential regulatory importance. Several discrete domains of high homology, including a cluster of far-upstream cis-active consensus motifs, a neuronally restrictive silencer element consensus sequence, and additional conserved sequences within the putative nerve growth factor response domain of the locus, were identified. The probable start of transcription of the VAChT gene was deduced from mapping of sequences of rat and human VAChT cDNAs onto the 5' flanking regions of the human and rat cholinergic gene loci. The actual utilization of a putative 5' VAChT exon in rat central nervous system (CNS) tissue was assessed by in situ hybridization histochemistry. RNA transcripts containing both VAChT and ChAT protein-coding sequences were abundant in spinal cord motoneurons, sympathetic preganglionic cells, basal forebrain, striatum, and cranial motor nuclei. R-exon-containing transcripts could be detected only at low levels in these cell groups, implying that most transcription of VAChT proceeds from a promoter downstream of the R-exon. To assess the structural requirements for expression of the VAChT gene without bias regarding the actual start of transcription, a 5' fragment of the human gene corresponding to approximately 3 kb of sequence extending upstream from within the presumed 5' untranslated region of VAChT itself was fused to a luciferase-encoding reporter and transfected into VAChT-expressing and nonexpressing human and rat cell lines. This portion of the VAChT gene provided strong promoter expression in both cholinergic and noncholinergic cell lines. Deletion of the putative neuronally restrictive silencer element (NRSE) resulted in enhanced transcription in all cell lines. Lack of differential expression of VAChT transcription in VAChT-expressing vs non-VAChT-expressing cell lines suggested that additional enhancer elements controlling cell-specific expression of the VAChT gene exist further upstream in the cholinergic locus 5' flank. Conservation of potential cis-active elements within a 1.4 kb sequence immediately upstream of the NRSE in both rat and human cholinergic gene loci suggests that this domain is required for cholinergic-specific regulation of VAChT and ChAT gene transcription.

PubMedSearch : Hahm_1997_J.Mol.Neurosci_9_223
PubMedID: 9481623

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Hahm SH, Chen L, Patel C, Erickson J, Bonner TI, Weihe E, Schafer MK, Eiden LE (1997)
Upstream sequencing and functional characterization of the human cholinergic gene locus
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 9 :223

Hahm SH, Chen L, Patel C, Erickson J, Bonner TI, Weihe E, Schafer MK, Eiden LE (1997)
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 9 :223