

Title : SHANK3 overexpression causes manic-like behaviour with unique pharmacogenetic properties - Han_2013_Nature_503_72
Author(s) : Han K , Holder JL, Jr. , Schaaf CP , Lu H , Chen H , Kang H , Tang J , Wu Z , Hao S , Cheung SW , Yu P , Sun H , Breman AM , Patel A , Lu HC , Zoghbi HY
Ref : Nature , 503 :72 , 2013
Abstract :

Mutations in SHANK3 and large duplications of the region spanning SHANK3 both cause a spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders, indicating that proper SHANK3 dosage is critical for normal brain function. However, SHANK3 overexpression per se has not been established as a cause of human disorders because 22q13 duplications involve several genes. Here we report that Shank3 transgenic mice modelling a human SHANK3 duplication exhibit manic-like behaviour and seizures consistent with synaptic excitatory/inhibitory imbalance. We also identified two patients with hyperkinetic disorders carrying the smallest SHANK3-spanning duplications reported so far. These findings indicate that SHANK3 overexpression causes a hyperkinetic neuropsychiatric disorder. To probe the mechanism underlying the phenotype, we generated a Shank3 in vivo interactome and found that Shank3 directly interacts with the Arp2/3 complex to increase F-actin levels in Shank3 transgenic mice. The mood-stabilizing drug valproate, but not lithium, rescues the manic-like behaviour of Shank3 transgenic mice raising the possibility that this hyperkinetic disorder has a unique pharmacogenetic profile.

PubMedSearch : Han_2013_Nature_503_72
PubMedID: 24153177

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Han K, Holder JL, Jr., Schaaf CP, Lu H, Chen H, Kang H, Tang J, Wu Z, Hao S, Cheung SW, Yu P, Sun H, Breman AM, Patel A, Lu HC, Zoghbi HY (2013)
SHANK3 overexpression causes manic-like behaviour with unique pharmacogenetic properties
Nature 503 :72

Han K, Holder JL, Jr., Schaaf CP, Lu H, Chen H, Kang H, Tang J, Wu Z, Hao S, Cheung SW, Yu P, Sun H, Breman AM, Patel A, Lu HC, Zoghbi HY (2013)
Nature 503 :72