

Title : Restoration of cholinomimetic activity by clonidine in cholinergic plus noradrenergic lesioned rats - Haroutunian_1990_Brain.Res_507_261
Author(s) : Haroutunian V , Kanof PD , Tsuboyama G , Davis KL
Ref : Brain Research , 507 :261 , 1990
Abstract :

The effects of combined lesions of forebrain cholinergic and noradrenergic systems on memory and responsivity to the memory enhancing effects of cholinomimetics were investigated in rats. Forebrain noradrenergic deficits produced by the injection of 6-hydroxydopamine into the ascending noradrenergic bundle (ANB) blocked the ability of cholinomimetics such as physostigmine and oxotremorine to enhance retention test performance in nucleus basalis of Meynert lesioned rats. Low doses of the noradrenergic receptor agonist clonidine, when administered in conjunction with cholinomimetics reversed this blockade. These results suggest that combined cholinergic/noradrenergic therapy may be of value in the treatment of some Alzheimer's disease patients.

PubMedSearch : Haroutunian_1990_Brain.Res_507_261
PubMedID: 2110845

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Haroutunian V, Kanof PD, Tsuboyama G, Davis KL (1990)
Restoration of cholinomimetic activity by clonidine in cholinergic plus noradrenergic lesioned rats
Brain Research 507 :261

Haroutunian V, Kanof PD, Tsuboyama G, Davis KL (1990)
Brain Research 507 :261