

Title : Interaction of monoclonal antibodies to electroplaque acetylcholine receptors with the alpha-bungarotoxin binding site of goldfish brain - Henley_1986_Brain.Res_364_405
Author(s) : Henley JM , Mynlieff M , Lindstrom JM , Oswald RE
Ref : Brain Research , 364 :405 , 1986
Abstract :

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies raised against acetylcholine receptors from Torpedo californica and Electrophorus electricus electroplaque were tested for interaction with the [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding protein of goldfish brain. A subset of monoclonal antibodies which recognize the main immunogenic region of the alpha subunit of the Electrophorus acetylcholine receptor interacted at high affinity with the [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding protein. Using immunofluorescence, these antibodies were shown to label the same layers of the optic tectum as [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin.

PubMedSearch : Henley_1986_Brain.Res_364_405
PubMedID: 2418919

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Henley JM, Mynlieff M, Lindstrom JM, Oswald RE (1986)
Interaction of monoclonal antibodies to electroplaque acetylcholine receptors with the alpha-bungarotoxin binding site of goldfish brain
Brain Research 364 :405

Henley JM, Mynlieff M, Lindstrom JM, Oswald RE (1986)
Brain Research 364 :405