

Title : Total cholesterol level for assessing pancreatic insufficiency due to chronic pancreatitis - Hirano_2014_Gut.Liver_8_563
Author(s) : Hirano K , Saito T , Mizuno S , Tada M , Sasahira N , Isayama H , Matsukawa M , Umefune G , Akiyama D , Saito K , Kawahata S , Takahara N , Uchino R , Hamada T , Miyabayashi K , Mohri D , Sasaki T , Kogure H , Yamamoto N , Nakai Y , Koike K
Ref : Gut Liver , 8 :563 , 2014
Abstract :

BACKGROUND/AIMS: To determine the nutritional markers important for assessing the degree of pancreatic insufficiency due to chronic pancreatitis in routine clinical practice.
METHODS: A total of 137 patients with chronic pancreatitis were followed up for more than 1 year. They were divided into two groups: a pancreatic diabetes mellitus (DM) group, consisting of 47 patients undergoing medical treatment for DM of pancreatic origin, and a nonpancreatic DM group, consisting of 90 other patients (including 86 patients without DM). Serum albumin, prealbumin, total cholesterol, cholinesterase, magnesium, and hemoglobin were compared between the two groups.
RESULTS: The total cholesterol was significantly lower in the pancreatic than the nonpancreatic DM group (164 mg/dL vs 183 mg/dL, respectively; p=0.0028). Cholinesterase was significantly lower in the former group (263 U/L vs 291 U/L, respectively; p=0.016). Among the 37 patients with nonalcoholic pancreatitis, there was no difference in the cholinesterase levels between the pancreatic and nonpancreatic (296 U/L vs 304 U/L, respectively; p=0.752) DM groups, although cholesterol levels remained lower in the former (165 mg/dL vs 187 mg/dL, respectively; p=0.052).
CONCLUSIONS: Cholinesterase levels are possibly affected by concomitant alcoholic liver injury. The total cholesterol level should be considered when assessing pancreatic insufficiency due to chronic pancreatitis.

PubMedSearch : Hirano_2014_Gut.Liver_8_563
PubMedID: 25228979

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Hirano K, Saito T, Mizuno S, Tada M, Sasahira N, Isayama H, Matsukawa M, Umefune G, Akiyama D, Saito K, Kawahata S, Takahara N, Uchino R, Hamada T, Miyabayashi K, Mohri D, Sasaki T, Kogure H, Yamamoto N, Nakai Y, Koike K (2014)
Total cholesterol level for assessing pancreatic insufficiency due to chronic pancreatitis
Gut Liver 8 :563

Hirano K, Saito T, Mizuno S, Tada M, Sasahira N, Isayama H, Matsukawa M, Umefune G, Akiyama D, Saito K, Kawahata S, Takahara N, Uchino R, Hamada T, Miyabayashi K, Mohri D, Sasaki T, Kogure H, Yamamoto N, Nakai Y, Koike K (2014)
Gut Liver 8 :563