

Title : Structural domains of agrin required for clustering of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - Hoch_1994_EMBO.J_13_2814
Author(s) : Hoch W , Campanelli JT , Harrison S , Scheller RH
Ref : EMBO Journal , 13 :2814 , 1994
Abstract :

Agrin is an extracellular matrix component which promotes the clustering of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and other proteins at the neuromuscular junction. This aggregation process is one of the earliest steps in synapse formation. Expression of highly active isoforms of agrin, generated by alternative splicing, is restricted to neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) including motoneurons. In the experiments reported here we investigate the regions of agrin necessary for nAChR clustering activity using two different methods. First, we expressed truncated soluble forms of the agrin protein in mammalian cells and assessed their clustering activity. Second, we generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against agrin and mapped their epitopes. Several mAbs block agrin-induced aggregation of nAChRs. One of the mAbs, Agr86, binds exclusively to the CNS-specific splicing variants and thus identifies an epitope common only to these more active isoforms. Mapping of the Agr86 epitope suggests that alternative splicing results in a distributed conformational change in the agrin protein. Taken together our data suggest that four domains in the C-terminal 55 kDa of agrin contribute to its nAChR clustering activity.

PubMedSearch : Hoch_1994_EMBO.J_13_2814
PubMedID: 8026466

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Hoch W, Campanelli JT, Harrison S, Scheller RH (1994)
Structural domains of agrin required for clustering of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
EMBO Journal 13 :2814

Hoch W, Campanelli JT, Harrison S, Scheller RH (1994)
EMBO Journal 13 :2814