

Title : Inactivation of inhibitors by the receptor-destroying enzyme of influenza C virus - Hofling_1997_J.Gen.Virol_78_567
Author(s) : Hofling K , Klenk HD , Herrler G
Ref : Journal of General Virology , 78 :567 , 1997
Abstract :

The importance of the receptor-destroying enzyme of influenza C virus for inactivation of inhibitors was analysed. Using three different inhibitors (rat serum, bovine submandibulary mucin and bovine brain gangliosides) inhibition of virus infection was observed only at an inhibitor concentration that was about 100-fold higher than the maximum concentration of inhibitor that could be inactivated by the receptor-destroying enzyme of a given amount of virus. From our data and other observations we conclude that the receptor-destroying enzyme is not required to inactivate inhibitors.

PubMedSearch : Hofling_1997_J.Gen.Virol_78_567
PubMedID: 9049406

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Hofling K, Klenk HD, Herrler G (1997)
Inactivation of inhibitors by the receptor-destroying enzyme of influenza C virus
Journal of General Virology 78 :567

Hofling K, Klenk HD, Herrler G (1997)
Journal of General Virology 78 :567