

Title : LCD-based detection of enzymatic action - Hoogboom_2006_Chem.Commun.(Camb)__434
Author(s) : Hoogboom J , Velonia K , Rasing T , Rowan AE , Nolte RJ
Ref : Chem Commun (Camb) , :434 , 2006
Abstract :

By incorporating an ester-containing substrate in a self-assembled alignment layer for liquid crystal cells, the presence of a lipase (CALB) can be directly detected through its enzymatic action on the alignment layer, without the need for fluorescent labelling or enzyme assays.

PubMedSearch : Hoogboom_2006_Chem.Commun.(Camb)__434
PubMedID: 16493827

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Hoogboom J, Velonia K, Rasing T, Rowan AE, Nolte RJ (2006)
LCD-based detection of enzymatic action
Chem Commun (Camb) :434

Hoogboom J, Velonia K, Rasing T, Rowan AE, Nolte RJ (2006)
Chem Commun (Camb) :434